Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Life- The Beauty And The Beast!!!

Life is one of my Brain's favorite topic to think. My brain is actually addicted to it. It loves to stumble on one or the other thoughts about life every other day.

So today I was just thinking about the most basic question- the question of our existence.
Yes, Why do you think we really exist? Why do you think we live this life? Why?
Is it just because we were born and it is a crime to commit suicide. Or is it because we love this life( Like you have any other option!).

Ok, Seriously why do you think we live? We sleep, we eat, we work, we dream, we meet people, we love some, we hate some, we learn things, we visit places, we celebrate, mourn and what not. We do a lot of these things but for what reason?

I have been extremely satisfied by this life like that eternal bliss and all that stuff for more than once and also have felt betrayed more than that. Sometimes I really don't understand what this fuss is actually all about. Make friends, eat, sleep, love, laugh with them and at one point just let them go on the name of moving on.
And why not the dream career is calling us! So lets go and grab that golden stick and dance to its tunes for some pity bucks in our bank accounts at the end of the month, which indeed never seem to be enough.

Yeah, Moving On Is Life! Leaving out is life !

Some say life is about making a mark of our own. Leaving an impact in the world. Making a difference. However I think that mankind has already made enough mark, impact and difference as a whole that we need to really stop at that specific segment. We have created all the bombs that we can or we should or we should not, whatever, barred all those free flowing rivers for our never ending needs, depleted every forest that we can, killed more animals than they give birth to, yet we look to create something more something different.

No I am certainly not going to invent the wheel all over again, I am technically too handicap to create a facebook or Quora, I don't have resources to build a Tajmahal so what exactly should I do to make more sense of my life?

I feel like I have seen enough of this life in my little bit of 24 years of experience & I still sometime wonder over its existence. Do we all live to die? Or do we all live to live? I somehow feel that this term ' Living a Life' has been grossly exaggerated. Everyone want's to have a life or indeed people will suggest you to go get a life. I never discovered a different life in anything i did. Mortality of everything just rips me apart. It seems to me like a false notion, a gradually created myth, a rat race kind of thing where everyone is just trying to better the other one.
We don't have a certain goal. No, no one of us at all because everyone wants to reach their but their is no their!

So is life exactly a dilemma? No body certainly knows it but till then lets keep on looking for the answer while we just inhale & exhale.

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